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Five Days to a Full Inbox:

Booking Brides Who Pay What You're Worth

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It wasn’t that long ago when this time of year found me feeling frustrated, burnt out, and defeated.

I’d bust my butt trying to book ideal brides, only to have an empty inbox. And when I did get an email, it was from someone who didn’t value my time, connect to my work, or pay my prices.

I felt like the leading lady in a rom com, who starts asking what she’s doing to attract all the wrong men!

Are you in the same spot? Pouring all your time and energy into your business, only to ask yourself what you’re doing to repel all the good clients?

Just like that girl in the rom com, honey, you need a stern talking to by a sassy bff, a makeover, and a confidence boost.

Unlike that girl however, you also need real-deal tools and strategies to help you fill your inbox with brides who value you and want to pay what you’re worth.

With these clients filling your calendar, you’ll feel inspired, enjoy your work, and meet your sales goals.

Come join my Five Day Challenge!

All the sass, encouragement, strategies, and tools you need, live from me, Jessica Zimmerman, every day! Your best business year is right around the corner!

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