“The first time I listened to one of Jessica's webinars I knew immediately there was something different about what she had to offer. So many times people get drawn in by the "fluff," the stuff people say just to sell something usually. With Jessica she was giving so much good knowledge away for free already. I learned so much from her free series and paid series that I have already seen a drastic change in my clients and pricing just from applying what I learned in the past few months. I wish I had this knowledge years before, I could have myself time and heartache I have no doubt. I can't believe the heart Jessica has and her willingness to share her gifts, she truly is a gift to this industry.”
—Valerie Painter
Love Greyson Events
Grand Rapids, MI

Just wanted you to know that I just booked my biggest wedding EVER today!
[…] I charged them for delivery/set up/ installation/breakdown. I charged them for the addition[al] vans, my team members and a hotel so I don't have to drive home at midnight..... I was so nervous I thought I was going to puke (but played it so cool and matter of fact) and ya know what.... they were like "oh this looks great" and handed me the check! THANK YOU so much for everything you do.... the Business Behind the Blooms is AMAZING! Than you again!!!! And it was double what my biggest to date had been!
-Juliana Holmes
Juliana Holmes Floral Design
“The course that Jessica Zimmerman offers is invaluable! I purchased the Business Behind the Blooms course and it really gave me the confidence to turn something I like to do into a legit and profitable business. She gives you the practical tools that you can immediately start using in your business, and I saw the results of the course right away. As a creative its hard to view yourself as a businesswoman, but by the end, I had the determination to run my business the way it should be run. I felt like I had control over the direction of my company and it now had a purpose and a goal. Business Behind the Blooms really gives you a solid foundation for a successful and profitable business. Not only do I love the course, I loved Jessica. She is talented, honest and one smart businesswoman! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us!”
—Stephanie Commisso
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

“I have a new enthusiasm for the business side and have implemented some new changes into my proposal and sales process. I love that I can refer back to it at any time.”
—Linda Montuori
Blush Floral Design Studio
Bel Air, MD

“I now am much more disciplined about setting boundaries and the hours I work and the days my little man (he's 3) is at home with me are exclusively 'mummy days' (my first thank you to you and lesson from BBB).
I have a background in running someone else's business so consider myself pretty knowledgeable and fairly comfortable with everything admin, tax compliance etc. However even with all of my business experience, each industry is unique and I knew that I needed to find out more about how to run a wedding flower business.
BBB has given me insights into how I should write my contracts specific to the wedding industry and perfect my processes for proposals and booking clients. I'm a newbie to the floral industry having started Bloom & Bush a little over a year ago. Whilst I have done a number of weddings already last season, I've invested much of my time over the past 6 months working really hard on the behind the scenes, in particular on my website and SEO to get more visibility in the market (in the last month I've gone from not ranking at all to appearing sixth on the first page of google searches!!), my processes, contracts, price guides etc and I'm ready for the upcoming wedding season.
I've followed much of your advice in regard to sales process which for me has been the most valuable part of BBB. Like many florists, I'm often approached for a quote via email where they provide a list of what they want and ask 'how much?'. But I always revert back to my process. A 'thank you for reaching out, let's schedule a time for a chat' email and in that email I request more information via a link to a hidden contact form I developed in the back end of my website which asks couples for all of the information that I need prior to meeting with them. To date, every single couple that I have met with has gone on to book me. I have received really wonderful feedback from them about my process telling me it's personal, detailed and gives them confidence which is one of the reasons that they chose to meet with me over other florists.
I used the BBB proposal template as inspiration to create my own proposal template, which I feel definitely sets me apart from other florists in my area and makes my proposal process much quicker. My couples always compliment me on how beautiful they are. My hope is that they feel that if that's the kind of effort and detail that I give to a proposal, then they can confidently know that the rest of their experience with me will be personal and detailed.
As to the question of BBB being relevant to regions outside of the US, I feel it's not so much the region that you are in that determines what applies to you and what doesn't, but rather the stage of business you are in. As a first year florist I wouldn't feel comfortable charging the same rate as someone who has been in the business for 20 years, however it's really useful to know that what I am charging is reasonable and it also gives me a level to strive toward in the coming seasons. I would say to others to take on board information from BBB that is relevant to you right now in the stage that you are in, knowing that you're working towards implementing all of BBB as you grow and develop your brand.
Thank you so much, Jessica, for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm for business. I'm both a passionate learner and passionate about sharing knowledge to benefit others, so you have my absolute respect and gratitude.”
—Kerrie Glover
Bloom & Bush
Rosebud, Victoria, Australia

“Owning a business can actually be a lonely experience. Yes, it’s rewarding. And, yes, it has plenty of amazing perks; choosing your own schedule, being your own boss, creating your own work environment. Everyone will tell you that its hard work, a long up-hill road; but let’s address the fact that it can feel a little scary when that road seems single-filed, you’re leading the way and on either side, you risk falling down the steep embankments of burning-out or loosing it all.
As a business owner for seven years, I have slowly marched my way up that hill. Usually happy, with plenty of iced chai, a few curse words and tears sprinkled here and there; I keep marching. But I look to the left and the right and sometimes I just want to know “Am I doing this right?”
I’ve gotten plenty of good advice from successful business men, my local chamber of commerce and other entrepreneurial friends with well meaning stories or encouragement but none of them could address some very specific issues of the wedding industry, bridal clientele and most importantly how flowers can bring home the bacon.
I consider the course ‘The Business Behind the Blooms’ as a much-needed road map, and safety rope for that steep hill. Depending on the day, I might even consider it a high-five, a hug or a sit-down-talk-it-out curl-up-on-the-couch-with-a-cup-of-coffee-and-a-close-friend kind of conversation.
BBB is real-talk for floral designers and wedding professionals. Its gorgeous layout and design make it easy to navigate. But make no mistake, its not frilled or fluffed. It’s the nitty-gritty, day-in-and-day-out information and encouragement that all floral designers need.
I can say whole-heartedly that BBB is the best investment I’ve made in my business (any myself) since I started this crazy journey.”
—Katie Rae Roach
The Katelier
Knoxville, TN

“When I found out about Jessica Zimmerman, it was because I had stumbled across her Instagram. I was instantly drawn deeper into her page because her posts were just so gorgeous. I began to read her captions and thought to myself, "This girl is not afraid to be REAL!". Shortly after following her feed, she announced The Business Behind the Blooms course and I wanted to know more about it. I did not even 'know' this person, yet I felt so compelled to learn all that I possibly could from her! I attended every single free webinar she hosted the weeks before her launch and asked, what felt like, one million questions to her and her assistant, Kellie. Not once did I feel like a burden and I truly felt like she wanted to REALLY help this beginner learn all of the things! I sat on it for a few days - this was such a huge investment of my personal money and what if I regretted it? How soon would I find out that this could potentially not be worth the money spent? So many thoughts swirled through my brain for days.
After much contemplation and weighing out the pros and the cons, it truly came down to what I did not know and what her business memoir offered - and it offered all of the things I felt so confused about! I did it! I purchased The Business Behind the Blooms and dove right into the reading! I can say that without a doubt, my favorite chapter is the PRICING GUIDE. This chapter alone is worth more than what the entire course cost. I simply did not know just how much money I was LOSING until I read this chapter. I did not know about up-charging, outsourcing and how to even price my work. I simply played a guessing game. After wanting to crawl into a dark hole in embarrassment, I overcame that. I did 1:1's with Jessica and talked through the questions I had. She simply broke it down to us all needing to make money and was so real with how pricing actually SHOULD be. I could charge for things that I did not know I could charge for and find myself constantly referring back to this chapter. Eight months later and I still have yet to find a regret in my decision to invest into The Business Behind the Blooms. Not only did I learn how I was losing money, but I became confident in how to talk to my clients and how to talk about money without feeling ashamed for my pricing and worth. I gained the confidence I always wanted because I was learning more about how to be financially smart and to leave the guessing game behind me! Emotionally pricing to book the client is long GONE! .”
—Raven Hill
The Botanical Studio
Atlanta, GA

“I am starting my second year as a wedding planner and am a innate learner. As I think about growing my business, I want to provide myself with information to make wise decisions. I don't let not knowing everything inhabit me from taking risks, but as a business owner in other industries I believe in having key pieces in place first. Unfortunately I learned the hard way (much like yourself) and have taken a more diligent and calculated approach to growth. Does that mean putting the time in? You betcha. Business Behind the Blooms provides me a look at the floral industry more intimately and allowing me to discover if this is the road I would like to see my business grow. I'm not afraid of working hard and that is how I am drawn to Jessica. She almost failed and is not afraid to share her story. Also that she was not a florist to begin with and I see so many similarities that I'm always curious how you got where you are. What route did you take and you share it. There is so much secrecy around the wedding industry, but funny thing about this is the amount of information that is available compared to 10 years ago.”
—Margie Merchant
Indigo Events
Aurora, NE

“It would be impossible to count all the ways that Jessica has helped me in my career so far. Thank you so much for all that you've done — Not only have you been a fantastic mentor to me, but you have taught me how to mentor other people. You have taught me to stand my ground and have the kind of career that I can be proud of. I count myself lucky for having had your mentorship and Business Behind the Blooms. Excited for many more years of mentoring and guidance with you! XO“
—Megan Friedl
Floral & Design House
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

“I was lucky enough to come across BBB during the early stages of starting my Floral Design business. BBB has been an invaluable investment in more ways than one. It give me all the tools I needed to set up my Floral Design business with confidence and to be profitable and enjoyable right from the start. It also provided so much information that I could implement in my jewellery business which I have owned for 12 years. So much of the info in BBB transcends the floral world, it is simply great business practices full stop. Thank you Jessica for being so generous with your story, and imparting your knowledge so others don’t have to make the same mistakes you did.”
—Erin Venville
Erin.K Floral Design
Melbourne, Australia

“Based in Australia, I wondered if BBB would be specific enough for me. It was!
There was no regional specifics and I could easily apply everything in the course to my home base in Melbourne. It would be applicable to any region or country and I am so glad I purchased the course!
BBB helped me steer the direction of my business and ensure that I am pricing correctly and presenting beautiful proposal templates that take me less than half the time they used to!
I also learnt to value my time with my family and ensure that I was paying myself for being away from them and that I could do this by selecting the right bride, and pricing the wedding properly.
After finishing BBB I booked my first wedding in 3 years where I knew I was making a real profit! I am not afraid to ask for what I deserve now and am happy letting go of brides who don’t suit my style or ideal as I know they will be a time drain which I would rather spend with my family.
So glad I know my worth and skills now and how to present them to lock in ideal brides!
I recommend this course if you want to regain your business (and your time) and take back control of your business - such an empowering feeling!”
—Lauren Schotting
To Embellish
Melbourne, Australia
![“I found [BBB] extremely helpful! I feel it’s a course that is relevant to any florist regardless of country. Whilst there are some things that would need adjusting eg currencies. and a few customs that we don’t necessarily do here in Australia the](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54402deee4b06e8b47d8f0be/1536018753990-30DWAQK5CLI7YKVSFQQP/Clare+Pixton.jpeg)
“I found [BBB] extremely helpful! I feel it’s a course that is relevant to any florist regardless of country. Whilst there are some things that would need adjusting eg currencies. and a few customs that we don’t necessarily do here in Australia the fundamentals of the course are absolutely relevant and I wish I had learnt these lessons sooner! I think the BBB is a must for any florist as it’s so refreshing receiving such open honest advice that takes the stress out of running a business.
And on a side note, the course is presented in such a lovely way it’s a pleasure to keep learning!”
—Clare Pixton
Clare and Fleur Events
Sydney, Australia

“Jessica has a way of being so real and honest I stumbled across BBB on Facebook and after watching a couple of webinars I was hooked. Jessica has so much knowledge and it’s all in her course BBB.
BBB is many things to me, it’s a guide when I have questions about my business and I’m not sure who to ask, it’s a step by step course on how to go about day to day runnings of my floral business, more than anything it has been a confidence boost to back myself. Whenever I feel like I’m losing my way or doubting myself I know I can watch a webinar, read through BBB and re focus on what I’m building for mine and my families future.”
—Lisa Redmond
Lisa Jane Lush Cakes and Florals
Perth, Western Australia, Australia

“Since purchasing BBB we feel more in control of our business than ever and have noticed how much smoother and more time effective everything is running. We also feel clearer than ever about our vision and our goals, and everything else just seems to be falling into place. Our booking rate has improved dramatically, which we credit 100% to your sales process chapter. A year ago we felt in a complete rut with receiving quotes through of weddings that were not our style. However, now we have rebranded and love the style of every enquiry that we get. We are targeting the clients we want and feel energised and re-inspired as a consequence. Even though we are in Australia, we have found BBB to be an invaluable tool to growing our business in the way we always wanted but weren't sure how. Thank you for this wonderful course and continued support you offer after purchase.”
—Vicky & Claire
Bits & Blooms
Perth, Australia

“I was so lucky to have found BBB before I had started my first season and was able to implement your processes for about half of the weddings I booked last year and these were the ones I actually profited on. What I learned in my floral design courses at the local university truly did not set me up for success and I was quoting the first half of the weddings I booked way less than I should so finding BBB at the right time made a more profitable first year. I am confident going into my second year, using the tools you have provided, I will not only hit my sales goal but continue to build upon the momentum of my BBB experience.
I love being a Bloomer and having access to updates and changes to the course and the continued learning each year. So happy to have found you!”
—Brittany Mullane
Pine for Cedar
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“I have been planning and coordinating weddings for a little over 3 years. I have been dreaming of going full time and adding floral design to my business but scared of the what ifs!! With the techniques and tips I am learning with the BBB; I am so pumped and ready to take the plunge in to making my passion into a full time business. I am now working on a business plan to kick off in Jan 2019. I am so excited for what the future holds and i have the Zimmerman team and BBB to thank for this.”
—Adeola Fowodu Olatunji
Celebration Events
Toronto, Canada

“This course is everything to me right now. I have been dreaming of working for myself since I was about ten. Fear held me back for so long, which I believe was critical in a sense. As I was working for fine dining venues, while building a resume and experience. However, about 11 months ago, I finally got to my breaking point and decided that I really NEEDED to branch out on my own. I knew I wouldn't be ok with myself if I didn't take the leap. I dove in head first and although my business is taking off more than I anticipated, it still isn't going to be enough in a few months to continue to pay my bills. What Jessica said this morning in today's webinar, resonated so much with me. I refuse to be the girl that left her job to start her own business and failed! Yes, it is a little vain like you mentioned, but I am also very confident that this is what I was created to do and I also can't fail for myself. I get very overwhelmed with everything that comes along with owning a business and in the wedding industry. Before the last 11 months, I had been working in the industry at venues for six years. I thought I had so much more figured out, but running a business is so much more and that is what I am looking to dig deeper into with this course. I am very creative, I love people, I love love (I know that's super cheesy! :)) and I'm all about being gracious as a new business owner and to others in general BUT I am not the most business savvy person. This is me giving my all! I would be so honored to work a wedding with you and your amazing team!!!”
—Erin James
Good Times Event Planning
Long Beach, CA

“I was interested in Business Behind the Blooms last year but afraid of the investment, then all year I regretted not doing it. This year I’ve watched every single webinar in anticipation of September and budgeted so that I could become a Bloomer in the fall. There have been so many things in my business that I know I need to change, but it is hard to have the confidence to say no and set clear boundaries. Jessica is the new voice inside my head that backs me up. When I second guess my intuition, Jessica’s voice says “you are 100% worth it”. I'm in the second year of full time floral work and it’s time to take it to the next level. I have the portfolio to prove myself and now it’s about elevating the client experience so that brides feel I’m professional enough and high end enough to make that big investment. BBB has shown me step by step how to create that elevated experience.”
—Sophie Ballmer
Sibyl Sophia Floral Design
Los Angeles, CA

“In all of the floral shops I have worked in I have seen amazing, creative people struggle to bearly make money. The joke has always been, “You have to love it cuz you won’t make money doing it.” Everyone always told me I should start my own business because I have amazing natural talent and love it so much but I’ve always said no because I have only ever seen owners over working and getting under payed. Recently, after loosing my job when the flower shop closed its doors I wanted to see if there was a better way. I came across your Instagram posts and the free webinars and instantly fell in love with you guys, your heart and joy, but especially the clear, organized way of explaining how business should be run. It changed my world. In the last few weeks I’ve sat down to write goals and have become so much more productive. Family and people are my number one priority and now I can see how my flower passion can make money and not take away from my relationships with people. Jessica, everything you said about creating systems and boundaries with the business to allow for family and travel was on point and I can’t thank you enough. It would be a huge privilege to not only meet you but to experience working with you as well. Thank you for helping to change the floral industry and for offering this amazing opportunity to learn from you.”
—Mia Ojala
Portland, OR

“The Business Behind the Blooms is the power and commitment to the growth of my business. I have studied design and will forever continue to invest in my skills, but knew my business needed Jessica's knowledge to organize and focus on all things business.”
—Kelly Dunbar
Botany and Bloom
Richmond, BC Canada

“The Business Behind the Blooms has been an incredible opportunity with so much value! It has completely changed the way I think about running my floral business and there is so much in the course that I have been able to implement now as a new business starting out, but also so much that I will be able to implement in the future as it grows. This course has been such a blessing for me in building the foundations to run a successful floral business and I am so excited to see my business grow.”
—Vanessa Langeberg
Blush & Ivy
Adelaide, Australia

“Business Behind the Blooms has been the single most important thing I have done for my business. Having all of this information in one place and having lifetime access to it is priceless for me. In the first week of owning this course I am already implementing the processes and techniques Jessica teaches! I love how real Jessica is throughout the entire process. She really does give you all of the information in an honest, transparent way. There’s no dancing around the issues, its clear from the start she genuinely does care about all of her Bloomers and I’m so proud to finally be one!”
—Susan Rowe
Florence, AL

“I feel confident that BBB will help my business flourish. I am a new bloomer just beginning the course but i have already learned so much in the first couple of chapters. I can't wait to full dive in and put what works for my business to use.”
—Morgan Wynia
Wild Muse Floral
Los Angeles, CA

“I have been wanting to implement changes in my business and Jessica shown me how to implement changes and be successful.”
—Kari Gaudet
KO Designs Floral Service
Vidor, TX
“BBB has been a real eye opener for me giving me greater confidence in all aspects of my business. I also value every webinar and continue to learn from each one.”
—Deb Riedstra
Deb’s Floral Design
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

“The BBB is very special to me as it has really instilled confidence and value added to my business! I have been in the industry for 8 years and have never paid for education that was so in depth and actually taught me specific business practices that I could apply to my business right away! The way Jessica explains why she does what she does just makes sense. One of the things we try to really instill in everything we do is be intentional (through design, communication, marketing) and the BBB is incredibly intentional through the way she teaches and the way she holds her business. I am so honored to be able to learn from Jessica and refer some others her way!”
—Cammie Petty Palmer
Beautiful Events Rentals
Dallas, TX

“BBB has opened my eyes to a whole new world! I had just opened a flower shop when I came across Jessica and I watched her webinars and Instagram I felt like I already knew her! She gave me confidence to dream bigger. I bought BBB the fall of 2017 and read it that evening! I feel like the more I read it the more I learn and find things that sink in. It truly is a work of art and has been a total game changer for me! I learned to say No to weddings that I wouldn’t make money on! I learned how to find those bigger weddings and the ideal client that I want to work with. Total game changer.”
—Jacalyn Anderson
SEEDS Flower Shop
Pincher Creek Alberta, Canada

“It's like a guideline for me how to run my business successfully. I try to implement more and more into my strategy from BBB. When I feel my business took a step forward or I need some motivation I go back to BBB and read it over again. I was a bit confused at the beginning when I've first seen people are reading the course in one day. For a moment I taught it was probably silly to pay that much just for the story of someone. But even after an year I use tips from it, I can always go back and check the updated version, watch the webinars and get the info about all the opportunities and courses. Jessica also teaches a lot about the values in personal life which is also inspiring me.”
—Julia Bathory
Evergreen Moments

“BBB has helped me to be more confident when pricing and providing quotes to potential clients which has significantly helped me to start booking my ideal clients. Before BBB I just wanted to take every wedding I could, make a little money and move on. I quickly felt like I wasn’t using my creative ability but instead stressing about providing my clients with an identical version of a Pinterest picture. After learning how to price my services and explain the reasoning to my clients I have slowly started to book my ideal clients. Clients with bigger budgets who actually trust me to create with my own style in mind. My confidence in the product that I offer also helps my potential Brides trust me to pull off a beautiful wedding. Though I haven’t booked a $30,000 wedding yet, my average wedding has definitely increased since reading and implementing BBB. At the end of the day, we can read it all we want, but if we aren’t implementing anything, how can we improve!?”
—Landace Ortiz
Designed 2 Perfection
Weatherford, TX

“Business Behind the Blooms gave me the confidence to raise my floral pricing and charge what I need to be charging to support my family with my business. Jessica's sales techniques, templates and processes are genius and have saved me so much time and energy!”
—Cassandra Cherneski
Flaire Weddings
Jacksonville, FL
“I've only been in business five months, and I didn't have a clue what I was doing besides working the flowers! I think I have a great eye and I love flowers! BBB is an amazing program and I'm so excited to be successful! I would love to work with y'all to learn more!”
—Connie Foster
The Daydreamer’s Floral Designs
Houston, TX

“On the "Suvivor" page of Refined Gatherings, Ltd. website I have: Love of Life. Love of Family. Appreciation for the Conquering Spirit. Even though I love designing events it hasn't been profitable and I was lacking the tools that I need. I hear great things from clients and their guest but, I wasn't conquering. BBB nailed it and it is pointing me in the right direction. I stumble across Zimmerman on FB. I started receiving emails and viewed a couple of webinars and noticed that what Jessica shared was beneficial, practical & packed full of wisdom. For financial reasons, I had to choose between a new website and BBB. I made the right choice and know that the new website will come at some point. I've heard that, "Opportunity meets preparation." I just said, to my husband last night that, I believe that BBB is a gift from God that will present opportunities to me. I'm a high school teacher who loves teenagers. Being successful in business will give me the opportunity to work on my non-profit dream (Urbane Youth). Thanks you Jessica and Team Zimmerman.”
—Marsha Parker
Refined Gatherings, Ltd.
Cleveland, OH

“After my husband was laid off from his job, twice, I knew it was time for me to put my creativity and talents to work. So I started a floral design business. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. People would ask me to do a wedding with installations and centerpieces and I had literally never done one before. But I did it anyway! Have no fear was my motto. But regardless of my confidence, I wasn't making any money. This course has been so valuable for me. It has taught me how to turn my dreams and vision into a reality and actually make a living doing what I love. Jessica makes you feel like your one of her closest friends. Her personality is engaging and genuine. I especially love the fact that if she doesn't have an answer for something, she will find it and then share it with all of us. I would love the opportunity to see her work in action. But regardless, I can't wait to implement her strategies and allow it to breath new life into my business.”
—Amy VanWagenen
Evergreen & Ivy
South Jordan, Utah

“I intentionally stopped booking new clients when my father became ill and then passed away, allowing myself the time I needed with my family and to re-evaluate my purpose. I found Business Behind the Blooms when I needed it the most: I struggled with focus & implementing systems. Jessica Zimmerman’s honesty and knowledge lead me step by step, giving me the encouragement that if I really want my business to flourish, I can make it happen if I do the work!”
—Christin Wilson
Christin Wilson Events
Orange County, CA

“BBB has truly opened my eyes to my business. I have been in business 10 years. Thru these years I experienced running a business thru a recession, and bringing my 2 kids into my family. I always knew my wedding design business was different, but I never allowed myself to embrace that, and make it my brand. BBB has allowed to find the brand I want to be, and change the way I do business from meeting with clients to handling the finances. I needed this missing piece to my puzzle. I am confident now going forward my brand represents me, and allows me to give my best to my present and future clients.”
—Allison Gaddis
Live Laugh Love Weddings
Knoxville, TN

“The Business Behind the Blooms is an extensive offering of knowledge from Jessica, her team & her past experiences that teaches us what not to do and what to do. I have been in the industry for almost 20 years and wished I could have had this knowledge back then. But, through hard work, dedication, lots of mistakes I am still here. I am always wanting to improve both in business, design and in my personal life. With Business Behind the Blooms, Jessica creates impressive sales strategies that are an integral part of the way to do business. I appreciate her stories, her mistakes (because hey if she did not make these mistakes she couldn't have created the BBB!) and guidance. We are all in this together, we deserve to better ourselves, our lives and our business. Many blessings to The Zimmerman Team, you hit it out of the ballpark!”
—Erin McClellan Momburg
Sprigs Floral Designs
San Luis Obispo, CA

“After a year of solid floral training, I was ready to launch my own boutique studio. I just didn’t know how to do it! I ran my own creative agency for seven years prior to taking the plunge into florals. However, it was a completely different operating model. Thank the Lord, I found Jessica Zimmerman! After my first mini-session with her I knew she was legit, real and I could see myself in her. So, I made the investment and purchased BBB. I could have wasted years trying to figure out a system that works and lost thousands of dollars doing it, but Business Behind the Blooms saves me from those pitfalls. As a result, I was prepared with strategy, ready-contracts and templates that work! I had set a goal that I would start off with a $1500 minimum. By instituting the methods I learned in BBB, the first two weddings I booked were for $2500 and my third was for $7500. Investing in BBB was the smartest decision I’ve made to date. Thank you, Jessica!”
—Krista Sherkey
Re+Bloom Couture Florals
Doylestown, PA

“I really appreciated Jessica's love for her family and how she unapologetically is a business owner and mom. I had been hesitant to acknowledge this in my business, for fear that potential clients wouldn't take me seriously. She provided the encouragement I needed to boldly embrace the totality of my life and not segment it into parts. It's been liberating and surprisingly has given others the motivation to do the same!”
—Holly Bryant Duncan
Roswell, GA
“I purchased BBB this last Spring and read it that same weekend! I was frantically pulling the info and implementing it into the systems I had. I used your emails and surveys as templates and adapted them for being a wedding venue. Even though I’m not a floral designer or wedding planner, BBB was 100% worth the investment! It has been so helpful to learn about your client experience, how to make your business what you want of it instead of following what everyone else does, and have confidence to say no. I’m now able to wait for my ideal client that I’ve worked to attract and then excel at the client experience. I have been thinking about adding day of coordination or partial planning to our venue services so you can only imagine that excitement when I found out planning would be added to BBB this fall. And having to not pay for the course again to receive that only solidified the investment! My husband recently went back to school in order to pursue being a paramedic/firefighter. Knowing his schedule (working 24 hours on, then 48 hours off) will be different than my M-F 9-5 and wanting to start a family, adding planning and coordination would allow me to step back from my current job and work my own schedule so that we can maximize our time together. While I love my job, I’ve realized time and memories with family are more important. After reading BBB, I’ve decided to focus on building our wedding venue business and keying in on fewer weddings with couples who are incredible to work with. (Please don’t use this portion as a testimonial as my employer who I LOVE doesn’t know about this goal :)) All of the education I’ve received from BBB and Jessica is top notch - I’ve been recommending it to other vendors and they’re reaping the benefits too. Thank you for the awesome content and confidence you’ve given me! I would love to contribute to one of your weddings to give back and further learn from you and other bloomers. I feel like it would be a once in a lifetime experience that I’d want to do over and over again! PS - Jessica, during your mini course, I learned you come from a family of farmers. Learning this I felt even more connected to you and can’t wait to work with you in the future! Thanks so much for helping me and my little wedding business here at Heiser Farms!”
—Lindsay Heiser
Heiser Farms Weddings

“The Buisness Behind the Blooms is my foundation and the solid ground that I have been searching for to literally BLOOM ha! Sometimes you need someone to hold your hand in life when you are doing something new and it’s scary. I wish this guide was available YEARS ago. I’ve been feeling like I’m waisting my life away working in box with no windows when I need to be utilizing my creativity, help others, and live the life I want to create. However, dreams are scary. Especially when there is no guidebook! Especially when you are just starting out and have ZERO idea on where and how to start. I know I can do flowers. I did all of them for my own wedding and a few others without compensation. I did it because I love it. Didn’t think I’d be able to pull my vision off, but I did it! I did it because I knew I could do it. I know I have a creative eye. I know I need to be out there helping people bring their visions come to life. But I know NOTHING about how a floral business runs or even how to make that switch from corporate life to running my own show. So for this course to be available is a GOD SENT! Knowledge is truly power. I appreciate you for being so blunt and brave and telling it like it is because that’s what I need before I take that jump. I need to be smart before I dive in. I neeeed to know the buisiness if I’m going to do it all on my own! The value of this course is more than I could ever think of and setting a great example so I know what NOT to do. Just in the last week I’ve never felt more brave and eager in my entire life to go after opportunities to learn and to grow as a florist. Life has truly been amazing lately. I was actually wanting to buy this course the last time you offered it (I believe In February) but I was saving for my wedding which was in June. I remember saying to myself “Ok this is a sign that I really want to be doing this. I’m doing this the next time around”. Needless to say, I would be honored and THE most excited lady IN THE WORLD to help your business in anyway that I can and would consider it a dream come true to work along side you and help make magic happen at one of your weddings!”
—Alleshia Lyon
Alexandria, VA

“I remember driving in my car & feeling stuck with the growth of my business. I was thinking what I can do better, how can I be confident in my work & selling it to a potential bride? I had experience in retail and knew about making a sale but honestly... had no idea how to make a GREAT sale that would make my business profitable. When I heard of Jessica on a Facebook ad... ... It was an answered prayer literally. I dug deeper into her videos because I resonated with her story & wanted to learn. I was eager to grow and nothing was going to stop me. That week, I took her advice on categorizing each floral design and not itemizing... I tried that with a bride & for a consultation that week...and my mind was blown! I finally didn't have the bride badger me about taking off each bouquet. I then kept doing this and booked pretty much every bride and it was well over 3k, 5k, 10k with each booking. This is a huge deal for me because I was in business for not even 3 years & I was building momentum that year because of Jessica. I bought the course & am implementing her strategies that has helped me have the confidence to not be afraid to try something new and to keep learning. I truly believe that Jessica's advice on the topic of categorizing my designs, was worth more than the BBB course itself. I am ever so grateful & look forward to more advice from Jessica.”
—Alina White
Petals & Fields Florist
Nashville, TN
“Business Behind the Blooms gives me hope! I am new to this whole floral industry, but I took a leap of faith. All my life, all I’ve known was the medical field, but I always have a love for the beautiful blooming flowers.. I took a chance and started taking classes this past summer , but finding Jessica’s videos gave me an insight on the business and the confidence to keep pursuing my passion! Thank you, Jessica!”
—Mai Nguyen
Lafayette, LA

“BBB has helped me to feel confident in the value of my work. I often find I am second guessing myself and listening to Jessica has been really refreshing and empowering. It really helps with building confidence and with standing behind my business and being able to explain my charges and feeling justified. I am just getting started and excited to see the changes this brings about in my business.”
—Lesli Chambers
Poppies and Twine
Yarmouth, ME

“I have been so scared to branch out on my own. I’ve always wanted to have my own business! I feel like I have so much to offer and that my talents are being wasted. I was in a high profile position as a set decorator in Hollywood for ten years- coming from the small town background of Maui-it was a big deal. I became a single mom in 2006 with a month old baby boy and had to move back home and work in the family business-Preschool. Even though I love working with kids, I felt like my talents were withering away. I’m not me unless I’m creating with my hands. I have a degree in Fine Art. I can build, decorate, remodel homes. I love making magic and missed that feeling I had in Hollywood, but how do I survive as a single mom and work those kinds of hours or do the required travel? I don’t know anything about the business side of things. I like pretty colors, hahaha. I want to provide a great life for my son. I want to be able to put him through college. Not just make ends meet like I am now. I know I can be amazing, fulfilled creatively and be the best mom I can. I’ve tried to recreate myself and not succeed too many times! I recently worked for a florist- for minimum wage- learned a lot and found my love of floral design- but it only lasted a year because I couldn’t support myself and my son. During this past year I’ve been free-lancing with an amazing company doing large corporate events, flowers, staging, installation art etc. This has solidified my love for creating worlds and making magic through creative means and I know I need to do this in life. But it’s not steady enough to make a living. I’ve had to go back to the preschool part time. Every book (yes I’m old school) I have read from an artist who makes a living says their most valued lesson Has been to invest in a business course. Last Friday I picked up my phone. I never watch the Instagram stories ( I told you, old school, I’m learning). I watched Jessica’s live story! I was so moved, touched by her experience and found commonalities in my own life. I knew I needed this course to moved forward. I have been trapped on a hamster wheel for ten years! I love Jessica’s energy! I love that her family comes first! I can’t function in life unless I feel like I’m being a good mom first and foremost. I appreciate Jessica’s raw emotion. I knew I could listen to her adorable accent all day! I would cherish the opportunity to be there in person to help with an event. To feel the magic! I know this is a turning point in my life! I want to be my own boss with the tools and support to succeed! I have a dream to create my own venue where I can also offer my services as a designer and planner. I know that BBB is going to be the catalyst that launches me towards success! Thank you for creating BBB!”
—Lauren Toker
Maui, HI

“Everything! We are a new wedding planning business getting ready to open our doors in January and even though I have been doing events for about 20 years the wedding industry is very competitive. I have been involved with planning weddings for the last 5 years taking on my own 3 day destination wedding in San Francisco and also several friends weddings . It was a labor of love ! Now I am in a new venture and I’m so excited and terrified lol I have not worked in a 9-5 for the last 6 years as I have been taking care of my parents and when I started thinking about going back to work I really wanted to follow my passion! Thank being said I felt my background in hospitality and the production work that I had so much fun doing when I was with the Ice Chalet (building sets and costuming for kids ice shows ) led me to the decision to become an entrepreneur and do it my way ....and be able to set my own schedule having time for parents my adult children and husband. I would love the opportunity to follow you around lol . Watching how It all comes together and helping to create floral embellishments, run all my crazy ideas by you and maybe build something gorgeous! Our goal is to be a destination service for California and Las Vegas with love being the destination.”
—Madeline Link
Veil Tales Weddings
Las Vegas, Nevada

“BBB is the single, most influential purchase I made during the start up and launch of my new event floral business. Having a degree in marketing and business administration only gave me the textbook smarts. After buying this course, I know for a fact that I did NOT know how to run a profitable floral business from the ground up. BBB taught me that and so much more. Jessica gave me the push and encouragement and this course gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed. Less than two months out I have photographers, who I had only dreamed of working with, reaching out to work with me and referring me to their brides! Confidence is everything and all of the material in the course is so useful that you can't help but feel that you know exactly what your doing, and more importantly, why your doing it. I know when you are just starting EVERYTHING feels like “fake it till you make it”, but BBB gives you the confidence to say to yourself I’m not faking it. I’m an actual business owner making educated decisions and turning a profit. I started my business out in the black, instead of the red and it’s all thanks to Jessica’s relentless encouragement and focus in treating your business as a business and not a hobby.”
—Kristen Lewis
Leman Floral
Ridgeland, MS

“When I purchased BBB I also purchased a journal to write notes in as I went through all the chapters because I knew it was going to be good based off of a few webinars Jessica did. I was so right, I filled up the journal. It’s now a reference journal and a check list. The book was very inspirational and filled with knowable information. I was having a hard time streamlining processes, setting boundaries, figuring out my ordering and so on. I would urge any florist struggling to buy the course (and a journal) and dive in because it changed the way I look at my business and gave me so much great advice. Also, it gave me confidence which sounds so cliche but when your struggling and you get that breath of fresh air it means the world!”
—Andrea See
Mustard Seed Floral
Redlands, CA

“My passion is floral designing. And my vision is to grow what I have created into a thriving business. The competitive aspect of this business can make it challenging in this industry. Then I discovered Zimmerman. I read the entire website and came away with the best feeling about who Jessica is. Her willingness to share her proprietary information is done with such candor that it feels as if you are listening to a trusted friend. It is validating and inspiring. I was reminded that I'm not alone in building my business, but part of a much broader community of small business people and entrepreneurs who are struggling with the same struggles. The content of the course is very generous and has provided me with concrete, relevant information that I can put to use immediately. The tuition is an investment. And I am clear that I want to invest in my business.”
—Michelle Hobby-Mears
Willa’s Wreaths
Santa Ana, CA

“Choosing to invest in BBB as a new business owner saves me years of trying to figure things out all on my own and allows me to establish a solid foundation for success. BBB is everything I've been looking for to help me put the best infrastructure in place so that I can concentrate on my strengths and see solid growth in my business! I read through the entire memoir within 48 hours of downloading it and have been immediately going back through and making changes! I love how the course is formatted where you can jump in and focus on what's most important to your business. It's such an incredible guide no matter where you are in your career. I love Jessica's courage and passion and am committed to giving the same energy to establishing my own floral design business as a legitimate, profitable and inspiring business.”
—Carre Phillips
White Blooms Flora Co.
Nashville, TN
“I love Jessica's approach to the business. To me BBB means a well deserved kick in the butt that I need to make dreams become a reality, and also to stop procrastinating. I am still scared of failure but If I never try I will never know if I can ever succeed.”
—Lizeth Reyes
Calgary, Canada
“Business Behind the Blooms has been like a compass and has pointed my company a direction in which to go. It's given us a voice and a power to treat this like a business and not just a hobby. I am so grateful for the resources of BBB. I have already implemented so many new systems and can't wait to add more!”
—Stacey Puncochar Perry
Down to the Wire
Nashville, TN

“I bought BBB in my first year of business and it has saved me so many headaches and provided answers to so many unexpected questions. I continue to refer to it and refine my process. I feel like I’ve met Jessica already!”
—Kimberly Lunsford
Florals by Kimberly
Daleville, VA

“BBB is an opportunity to take my learnings to the next level. The love I have for weddings and events is something that I was born with. Really!! I'm not that person who planned her wedding and then decided that I enjoyed this and want to do it as a hobby/business; it's a love that I've had since I was a child. Not in the romantic, I can't wait to marry my prince charming way, but just in the putting together of the event and all that is entailed way. I was binge watching shows about weddings and events before binge watching was popular. On the weekends I would post up in our family room and watch: A wedding story (TLC), My Fair Weddings, Platinum Weddings, etc. you name it if it was about weddings and events and we had access to it I watched it. My parents literally kicked me out of the house to go outside and play. I get great satisfaction in knowing that I was able to produce and be apart of someone's amazing day. With all this love I have you may wonder why I didn't just jump right into weddings. I did kinda; if one of my friends was getting married I'd jump in to help and execute in any way possible. But my parents were concerned about me being stable and lead me to take a more traditional route in my career. Well, I've done it their way and now I'm over it and I want to spend the second half of my life doing what I love and living off of it. I see these amazing designs and I know that I can do it, especially if I can figure out the mechanics. The best mentor/mentee relationships are the ones where you are being mentored/guided/directed by someone who's where you want to be, and Zimmerman events is where I want to be. In short, BBB is another step in my journey of getting my business where I want it to be. I thank you for sharing your knowledge so that others may grow as well.”
—LaRhonda Minor
Posh Chic Events
Atlanta, GA

“The Business Behind the Blooms is the one resource I reference almost every day. My business started as a gift shoppe with event planning and remains primarily retail. We added a retail flower shoppe a few years ago. I am slowly building our wedding/event floral services in the mix of our retail business. BBB applies to my whole business - not just the flowers. I have implemented the concepts I have learned from this course into my strategy on how I source/price retail product etc. I purchased BBB in the fall of 2017. This summer (2018), we opened our second retail location. My business supports three families AND I feel like I haven't implemented everything I have learned. This course changed my entire business and my entire life.”
—Amy Habiger
Yours Truly Gift & Flower Shoppe
Great Bend, KS

“The Business Behind the Blooms was the first investment I ever made for my floral design business. I could not have made a smarter, more inspiring, more helpful investment for my business. I constantly go back to the course to help me grow my business. I can not recommend Jessica Zimmerman and The Business Behind the Blooms enough!”
—Lindsay Munro
Wild Mountain Blossoms
Black Mountain, NC
“Business Behind the Blooms gave me the courage to develop my wedding planning side of my travel business. I am so glad that I purchased this course BBB has everything I need to start my business and everything I never knew I needed. The course is Great and worth every penny.”
—Lake Jackson
Camielle & Co

“2 1/2 years into my business as a wedding planner I was lost! I had spent countless dollars and hours on education to try to grow my business and become a better entrepreneur. Each time I would either not finish the course as so much didn’t really apply to where I was at in my business or I would finish it feeling like I had wasted my time and money because it was vague and not able to put things into action steps. After purchasing BBB my life as a business owner is forever changed. Not only was the education easy to read, very knowledgeable by giving step-by-step actions that I could take to move my business forward but Jessica’s stories & her honesty also gave me the confidence to put my head down, stop comparing myself to other vendors and helped me realize that I can make this business whatever I wanted to as long as I was willing to do the work. I have learned so many tangible things like how to run the behind-the-scenes parts of my business such as finances and sales as well as the “storefront” aspect of my business like my website and how to market toward my ideal client. I am so thankful for the community that Jessica and her team have grown with the Bloomers; we support each other, we problem solve together which is something hard to find in this industry. I would purchase BBB 1000 times over to not only have such an improvement in my business but also an improvement in my confidence as entrepreneur.”
—Jessica Broughman
Pearl Events
Staunton, VA

“Business behind the blooms has given me the insight and the tools to elevate and take my business to the new level for next year! Thank you so much Jessica.”
—Tiffany Richardson
Lavish Creations by Tiffany

“I’ve just started to dive into the BBB content and I’ve already found many ideas to learn from and adapt to my own business.”
—Juliana McWilliams
Sweet Memories Flowers
Visalia, CA

“I am so excited to get started on BBB. Jessica is so enthusiastic and welcoming. To know there is support out there that I can rely on is so comforting, sometimes this can a lonely cut throat business. So glad it is changing. I feel welcome.”
—Janice Robillard
Crocus Floral Design
B.C., Canada

“2 years ago, when I started this florist life I never knew how hard the business side would be. I knew in order to get anything in life you really have to hustle but I felt like all I was doing is just breaking my back for nothing. Giving my all and getting barely anything in return. I was just so confused I didn’t know when the point would come when I could finally say I’m worth the investment . I took on a 400 people wedding for a team of at least 4 and did it solo because I didn’t charge appropriately, it was my breaking point, I was done! I wasn't sure of all the right steps and how to go about everything but then finding BBB was like finding a life jacket in the middle of the ocean, when I felt like that’s it Jessica trough out a life jacket that brought me hope that it doesn’t have to be the end. I just need someone to help me, guide me and to show me how it’s done the right way. And that’s what BBB is for me, it’s hope.”
—Aksana Gagea
Simply Elegant Design
“As someone who has started their business within the last year, BBB is going to be crucial when I feel prepared to take my own clients. I have been working mostly as a freelancer for other florists and designers and have not had to deal too drastically with the business side of flowers. I feel a deep conviction to take this season to prepare myself for business growth. I am mentally preparing myself for whatever path this flower journey takes me on. I want to be prepared for when that ideal client comes along as a professional who knows what she’s doing on the floral AND business side of things. I think that having a deep understanding of your business can even help deepen the trust between designer and client, which is very important to me. I’ve heard a lot of “if I had only known this” stories and I figured, I have the chance “TO KNOW” this now and save myself some heartache!”
—Kate Clodfelter
Virginia K. Designs
Seattle, WA

“The Business Behind the Blooms has been a game changer for me and my floral business. It goes without saying that Jessica's business memoir is chocked full of advice, resources, and practical tools to help you make money and run a thriving business. The tips and tricks she shares are beyond worth the investment. However, the thing that I did not expect to get out of her course is confidence. But goodness has she given me that. Through her course and the webinars, Jessica has challenged me to stay in my own lane, do my own thing, and not distract myself with what other people are doing. With a loving, yet kick-in-the-booty approach, Jessica sincerely wants confidence and boldness for you-- and that is something that has been invaluable to me.”
—Carrington Winkelmann
The Farmer and I Flower Co.
Wimberley, TX

“I am about 3 days into BBB and I haven't stopped talking about it. Anyone who is willing to listen I say "Jessica Zimmerman" ... I have been in the business for a solid 3 years as side business. After discovering BBB I can honestly say I am ready to make some moves; regroup and re route. BBB has yet to let me down.”
—Kelsey Van Eyck
Dulce Floral Design
Ojai, CA

“BBB means an opportunity for me to learn more and to make more profit and make a better decision for my business and for my family, BBB teach me that my family is first and I need to work around them to balance both. I really appreciate this opportunity it means a lot to me!”
—Bertha Meza
B’s Floral & Decorations
Lake Elsinore, CA
“It means hope! I've been in this business for so so many years but have not made much progress that I am proud of. I absolutely do not want to give it up so I know I need to make changes to all aspects of my business. Reading BBB really gives me new insights and hope for my business! Having the opportunity to work alongside Jessica would be a dream come true, even if I've to fly myself in from Canada, I'd buy a plane ticket in a heartbeat.”
—Caryn Lim
A Timeless Celebration
Montreal, Canada

“For me, BBB is a solid foundation to set up my business. I am serious about my business and would like to build it on a strong foundation, BBB is my guideline, my handbook, my inspirations. I know that to pass the average survival rate of a small business, I have to do the correct things from the beginning. It is a small business but I do not want to think like it is small. I want my business not only to launch, but also grow and live.”
—Johanna Sianny Weyland
Forever Blooms Floral Art
Burbank, CA

“This is what is really needed in my business, and it wasn't until I was in business for almost 2 years that I realized that the problem with my business wasn't advertising, it wasn't my design esthetic, it wasn't my work ethic, it was my naivety of HOW THIS BUSINESS WORKS.”
—Christine Pavilk
Revelstoke Florist
B.C., Canada

“BBB has been my business bible ever since I bought the course last fall. I've watched my business transform in ways I could have never imagined. Since becoming a Bloomer and applying the business practices Jessica outlines in the course I have been able to successfully plan (and achieve!) my annual sales goal. By doing so I was able to leave my full time job and focus on my own business. I was able to build my very own home studio - which I paid for in CASH - and be close to my family. Neither of these things would have been possible without Business Behind the Blooms. Most importantly, I feel like I am finally on track to living the life I've always wanted most.”
—Danielle Roberts
Twig &Twine Floristry
Nova Scotia, Canada

“I started wedding and event florals about 2 years ago. I was completely lost. I purchased business behind the blooms even though I would really have to budget for a months. It was the best investment I have made for my business. I have learned that what I have been doing so far could be much improved. I’m excited to grow and finally be profitable. I too have a dream of being able to have more time with my family. I have been so absent from their lives due to working for a demanding job in The medical field. I don’t want to loose out on special moments anymore. Thank you Jessica and your amazing team for giving me hope and the tools to be successful.”
—Melissa Vigil
Lavish Floral Boutique
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I was scrolling thru FB and saw Jessica’s post about opening your own floral/event design business, and thought “wow I can do this!” I absolutely love flowers and had some previous experience with them. At that time, I needed something in my life that was just for me!! Once I started watching Jessica’s webinars, I knew she was real and I could relate to her, so I purchased BBB and have not stopped since! I am still working full time, and doing my business as a side job, but my plan is to eventually do this full time. BBB has given me the knowledge, courage, and self confidence that I needed to start my business and become successful! I still have a ways to go, but I know that I can do it with the help of BBB and the Facebook community Jessica has created to give me tips along the way!! I often refer back to BBB, and plan on reading it a second time!! Thank you Jessica!!!”
—Sandra Landry
Luna Rose Florals
Prairieville, LA

“The Business Behind the Blooms has simply revolutionized how we do business. I often felt lost or that I just didn't know how to do this business thing. I desperately wanted to build a business we could be proud of that loved people, served them well and was profitable. However, time and time again I found myself discouraged in the growth of our business and didn't know how to turn it around. We were attracting some of our ideal customers but jut not enough of them. BBB has given us the tools to feel confident in our pricing, as well as build systems that work. Jessica's clear straightforward approach was just what I needed. I am now excited to say that since implementing Jessica's business systems we have more than doubled our sales.”
—Erica Leigh
Leigh and Mitchell
Seattle, WA

“The BBB is my blueprint to grow the floral design portion of my business. I purchased it at a time when I wanted growth in that area instead of just planning. Jessica's systems resonated so much with me, as a mother and business owner. It's been exactly what I needed at the right time and I continually refer to it as I'm tweaking my own systems.”
—Denise Kelly
All RelEvents
Chantilly, VA

“Jessica, Kellie and team, I’m not even sure what to call this crazy ride! I literally have been become more confident and invested in my business since I first had my mentorship a little over a year ago and have been going full speed ever since starting BBB last year! BBB isn’t just a “course” it’s community, it’s confidence and it’s a higher caliber to our industry. It was exactly what I needed to elevate 3 Leaf to what it is today and has laid down a solid foundation for where I hope to grow. It provided me (and still continues to gift me with) answers and knowledge into the business side of our industry. As an artist, the business side of my job was always the hang up. Jessica’s no nonsense model was exactly what I needed to wrap my head around the things I wasn’t comfortable with. Since implementing BBB a year ago I’ve been more intentional with my business, have a more productive and professional presence and spend more time with my family. Thanks so much!!!”
—Kelly Mendenhall
3 Leaf Floral
Colorado Mountains

I’m so thankful for BBB and all that Jessica has been so generous to share with fellow florists! I’ve been in the industry for a handful of years and it was the information in BBB (including the live teaching sessions Jessica does after each launch and the community of Bloomers) that gave me the confidence to pursue my own floral design business. She gave me the tools I needed to be professional and business savvy and to believe in myself as an entrepreneur- I’ve learned so much and feel like I’ve found an amazing mentor through BBB. I’ve been able to book clients more easily and confidently using her sales approach - what I’ve learned has been seriously invaluable. I’m so happy to be a part of the Bloomer family!
—Ashley Krupp
Ashley Eileen Floral Design
Denver, CO

In the 10 years of owning my own floral studio I worked all the time barely making it, until 2 years ago I had my son and knew something had to change. This winter my husband purchased BBB for me. Before BBB I was overwhelmed, I needed balance and clarity. After reading BBB I have a clear vision of what to do to keep the balance of home and business life. BBB has helped my business to turn an amazing profit in just a few months. Best Purchase Ever!!
—Meghan Greenfield
M Flower Studio
New Richmond, WI

“So, this is what BBB means to me. I adore what you, Jessica have to share about your business. It is solid, legit, well rounded info. But here is my thing, I may never be on the cover of magazines, ( although I may, don't be surprised! ;)) I will say this though. What you , more specifically Jessica and your , very distinct personality have done for me is give me the understand that I am capable of honing in on my priorities and creating a business that is what I need for it to be. It does not matter what another person, company, etc, is doing around me. You have reminded me I have the freedom, the smarts and a destination to be myself in this industry. I am capable. I love Ardour, as it is an extension of myself, but the bigger issues at play here , for me personally ,are not necessarily growth of business, although money is good, but growth of personal character. You, through BBB facilitate that growth. And, thank you for heeding the call to step forward with your story. I hope to one day be that catalyst for someone as well.”
—Rachel Dummeldinger
Ardour Complete Wedding Services

“Leaving an intensive career change course in floristry in October 2018 I felt passionate and excited to start my floral business. However, I left the course feeling confident in terms of florals but not in terms of the business. BBB was just want I needed to help me to implement and plan a business model and approach to working with clients which suited me and my business. I was able to tackle my very first wedding consultation with confidence and secure the booking feeling that the client and I were a great fit. It is early days for my business but I am continuing to tap into BBB and implement this to drive my business forward in a way that works around my family and work commitments. Thank you Jessica for giving me the confidence and tools I need to bring my flowery dreams to life.”
—Michelle Hill
Posey Rose
Costwolds, UK

“Honestly, in the "before and after" context, I'm still a before. My goal is to work 20-30 hours/ week, and pull in an income that supports my family and the life that I want for us. Some days I'm discouraged, some days I'm hopeful. BBB (and Jessica's multiple webinar preaching sessions!) have taught me the steps I can take, and the work I need to do. As a creative entrepreneur, my time and money is precious. Everyone and their mom is trying to sell me an e-course or a workshop. It can be really hard to discern which business courses are going to be worth the time and money. Jessica will tell you How she runs her business, but much more importantly, she tells you the Why behind every decision and business practice she has implemented. This is what makes BBB so effective. I don't need to carbon copy someone else's business (because let's face it, life and business isn't that simple!) Jessica provides the tools to think critically about my values, my systems, and my business practices. My success as an entrepreneur will come down to my ability to ask questions, make decisions, pivot and evolve. And I know Jessica will be cheering me on through it all.”
—Andrea Richardson
Beautiful/Wild Design
Atlanta, GA

I first heard of Zimmerman and BBB through an Instagram ad. It was the first time BBB had gone on sale and I watched all of Jessica's free webinars leading up to the launch. I was so into listening to everything Jess had to say to the point where my husband was asking me who she was and if I was going to purchase her course as he continued to hear her distinct voice across the house. I had recently started my business and didn't feel ready to invest in education but I knew when the time came BBB is what I would be investing in. A year went by and I would still continue to watch all the Zimmerman videos and education. I finally felt ready to pull the trigger and joined the waitlist. My only regret was not purchasing BBB sooner. Yes, it is an investment but the knowledge you gain to run your business is incredible. Jessica taught me to have confidence in my pricing and gave me different perspectives on how to accomplish my business goals. I loved BBB so much I purchased the Zimmerman Intensive course which has finally helped me take control of the backend of my business and really understand our finances. Not only should you become a Bloomer, you should become a Bloomer Intensive Student. Already so excited for the Intensive this year! Thank you Jessica!
—Caroline Chelette
Moonstruck Florals
Tallahassee, FL

“Investing in BBB was one of the best decisions I made for my business! The information Jessica shares is the real deal, and I feel so much more confident in my pricing, my process, and myself after reading this course! My average floral contract doubled over the past year and I booked my first $20,000+ (!) wedding!!! I’m also so much more confident to price correctly and I am making what I deserve. Not only am I booking higher end weddings, but my clients trust me more and give me more freedom to do what I know would look and work the best for their event! I work smarter, make more, and am doing more of the work that I love! If you’re a florist or event designer, this course is worth every penny! Just think of where you could be a year from now!”
—Lindsay Johnson
Lindsay Elizabeth Events

It happened!!! I did what you said to do in the first two modules for the presentation and sales process and I just booked my first 5k wedding. Her budget was 1,500… I can’t believe it. I’m beyond happy, excited and shocked. Your class is the read deal. And you are the real deal!! I’m so happy I decided to invest, it took me a year of watching your videos and webinars to get my stubborn (you know what) to spend the money and I’m so happy I did. Thank you!!!!! Just thought I’d share my little win with you.
—Glenna Mangler
Glenna Joy Flowers
Lompoc, CA

Hey Jessica! I wanted to let you know (because I have to tell SOMEONE, especially the person who helped me get there) that I surpassed my yearly sales goal of $90,000 and have reached $120,000! I continue to learn so much from BBB, and I know I wouldn’t have reached this goal without the knowledge I learned from you! I want to say thank you! I give a lot of credit to you and BBB for this.
—Jenna Secrist Griffin
Gold & Bloom Floral Design
Atlanta, GA

I'm Rachel, a Destination Wedding Planner based in Waterford, Ireland. I get a lot of couples from the US and around the world wanting to get married here in Ireland.
......I want to say a huge thank you to Jessica, I started implementing a lot of the course details for my last wedding and I ended up making waaaaayyyyy more money than originally projected !
My first wedding was just over two and a half years ago, I charged €2,500 for Wedding Day Management.
My most recent wedding for Wedding Planning, I charged €22,500 because I implemented a lot of what Jessica said ......AND I still have loads more to finish on the course so I can't wait to see how my business flourishes from here on in!
Jessica, thank you so much for your openness about your business..... your course has given my Wedding Planning Business a new lease of life so I can't wait to finish the course in the next week or so and see where I will be with it in another year !
—Rachel Walsh
Inspired Events
Waterford, Ireland

I might not be someone who posts on here a lot but I am reading and listening and since I have read all the sections of the course I have made so many changes, have learned heaps and heaps and since I no longer do email proposals but book face-to-face meetings my success rate of getting the job is literally 100%. It’s been amazing. Thank you Jessica and Team for all the amazing tips and all the Bloomers for sharing your experiences, it has helped me a lot. I wish you all an amazing, successful, happy, healthy and safe 2020.
—Tanya Frech
Heavenly Creations
Victoria, Australia

We want to share some positive feedback for Jessica Clay Zimmerman and those of you on the fence with putting all her procedures in place. We started our business in December 2017 with an idea to one day get into floral design. We really had NO idea what we were doing or how to even really get started on the wedding floral side.
We bought BBB even though we didn't have the money to invest in it. We did the course live in the group and finished the week before our first meeting with our first bride.
We met, dreamed up a beautiful wedding and did everything to a T as BBB taught. We then met for our 2nd meeting, the Proposal/Contract meeting, really anticipating we weren't going to get the event as we were ridiculously higher than her budget. Because it was our first official company wedding and not a hobby wedding, we did discount bottom price in hopes to entice them and to use the pictures to build our media kit. After everything we learned and all the programs, templates and resources.... they loved it, they loved us and they loved how professional and put together we were. Little did they know this was our first run through and we nailed it. Well this past November we did that wedding and it all went so smooth it just seemed unreal!!!
During the last year we transitioned our vendor booth to a retail store and just kicked off the wedding side again after the 1st of the year. We booked our 1st consultation since we've been back and had our meeting last night. We thought there is no way they are going to go with us as their initial budget was $4k, but they have a massive wedding. Again, we built our idea board and presented it to them, walked them through the proposal and came to the summary. When we revealed the price, we just knew we were going to lose this bride.
But they not only took the entire proposal but added ALL the extra options. When her fiancé picked the most elegant classy venue we had no choice but to present a proposal that completely complimented their venue. I mean we just booked a $20k wedding!
This is still so surreal guys. BBB works and has been worth every penny we spent. I mean when you present a vision that based solely on your clients dreams and can pull it off professionally we are all already ahead of our competition. We have to say a huge sincere thank you Jessica for putting together a solid program that literally has taken 2 rookies like us with a dream and made it possible.
—Monica Coffman and Jordan Anderson
5C Custom Creations
Winnesboro, TX

![“I found [BBB] extremely helpful! I feel it’s a course that is relevant to any florist regardless of country. Whilst there are some things that would need adjusting eg currencies. and a few customs that we don’t necessarily do here in Australia the](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54402deee4b06e8b47d8f0be/1536018753990-30DWAQK5CLI7YKVSFQQP/Clare+Pixton.jpeg)