My Unorthodox System for Ordering Flowers
My Unorthodox System for Ordering Flowers
In this web training, I share how my unusual process for ordering flowers saves me time and money—
Today, it takes me 20 minutes or less to place a flower order. Partly because I’m a big believer in delegating, and partly because of the system we developed.
I never create recipes, I always order under budget, and I always have enough product.
Get a glimpse at the exact formula I use to order my flowers
NOTE: If you do not have a good relationship with your wholesale rep or your wholesale rep isn’t willing to do more than simply take your order and ship it to you, you will not benefit from this resource. This process works for me because I have a wonderful rep who enjoys being part of the creative process.
what people are saying:
“I was spending way too much time on flower orders! Jessica has saved me time, money and much of my mental health!”