Getting It Published: Under the Cover


Today I’m sitting down with Rachel of Questions with Rachel to talk about the process of getting the book published!

The book publishing process is a totally foreign world, and every day I learn something new.


  • Why we decided to switch publishers

  • My priorities when it comes to the quality of this book

  • Why I’m not the easiest to work with 

  • Why I could never do this if I had to do a traditional two-year publishing process

  • Why I chose hybrid publishing

  • All the people involved in the publishing process

  • Why the book was more of a heart decision than a business decision, and I’m okay with that.

Listen to the whole episode here!


A Winning Website

Want to know the first step to booking more clients? You’ve got to have a website. And not just any website, but a site built to book! If you’re just starting your business, you’re probably wondering how you can share about your work, gain clients, and start making money! The answer to all of these is your WEBSITE. When I first started my business, I didn’t have the money to pay a professional brand expert to create the brand you see here today. But I didn’t have to. I used the resources I had to invest in my business and create a brand that would attract the type of client I wanted to work with, supported by a website that was built to transform searching brides into life-long clients. If you want a simple guide on how to create a site that books without having to invest thousands in a branding expert before you’re ready, you need A Winning Website! To learn more, go to 

Sleeping with a Stranger 

Mark your calendar for May seventh, it’s Book Launch Day! If you want details on my upcoming book tour, like cities I’ll be visiting, how you can meet me in person and get a signed copy of the book, you need to get your name on the list.  This list will get you the VIP treatment. We’ve got awesome bonuses prepared, but only for those who have signed up. Go to to become a VIP today!

Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year

If you want to build a great business or live a good life, you’ve gotta plan for it! Every year, I take a whole month to reevaluate the past 12 months and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and how I can create a life I love for the following year. I teach you my exact planning process in my program Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year. If you want a free training to get some tips on planning your best year yet, go to 

Follow along as I share the making of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, on the Zimmerman Podcast!


Welcome to the blog

Hi! I'm Jessica Zimmerman, top wedding planner, floral designer, and founder of Zimmerman Events and Education.

I teach fellow wedding professionals the exact systems, sales processes, tools, scripts, and templates I used to make a (six figure) living designing flowers and planning weddings, all while raising my three kids. Because what's the point of owning your own business if you can't live your dream life?

I've been named a top wedding planner by Southern Living magazine, and have my wedding and floral work featured in PEOPLE magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings, Brides, Once Wed, and more.

And my signature straight-shooting business insights have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.

Join me on this journey and get my best tips and tricks by tuning into the blog each week, and follow me on social media with the links below.

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Tune in to the Zimmerman Podcast!

AUG 8, 2019

Entrepreneurs Looking for More

Meet host of the Zimmerman Podcast, Jessica Zimmerman, as she shares what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love. To make sure you never miss an episode, hit subscribe now!


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