Why You're Not Working as Hard as You Think You Are


When it comes to an entrepreneur’s work day, quality of work matters more than quantity of hours spent working.

In fact, if you feel like you’re spending every spare hour building your business with nothing to show for it, let me challenge you: you’re not working as hard as you think you are.

I know! Not fun to hear, especially when you’re burning the candle at both ends.

But here are some sure-fire signs that you’re actually not working has hard as you think you are, and what you can do to fix it!

Other people are running your work day

Have you ever checked your email first thing in the morning, only to have your whole mood or agenda dictated by what that email contained? I’m pretty sure we all have. We have clients or coworkers or bosses who need to hear from us, right?

But when it comes to email, you need to stop reading on demand.

When I stopped checking my inbox first thing in the morning, every bathroom break, or anytime I heard a little ding or buzz on my phone, guess what happened? I actually had time to focus on my own to-do list.

Once I started devoting one thirty-minute time-slot in the afternoon to check my email, I became much more productive, and therefore much more profitable.

I’m not denying the fact that, yes, it is important to check my email.

However, by checking it first thing in the morning I was making one crucial mistake: I was letting other people dictate my work day.

You know why I think most people start their day with email?

It’s easier to be reactive than to be proactive.

Instead of checking your email each morning, I want you to create tomorrow’s to-do list each day as you finish your work day.

Then, you know exactly where you need to begin, and it’s not with email!

Your email inbox is not your to-do list! You create your day. Don’t let anyone else dictate your agenda, and you’ll be surprised what kind of time and energy opens up!

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Welcome to the blog

Hi! I'm Jessica Zimmerman, top wedding planner, floral designer, and founder of Zimmerman Events and Education.

I teach fellow wedding professionals the exact systems, sales processes, tools, scripts, and templates I used to make a (six figure) living designing flowers and planning weddings, all while raising my three kids. Because what's the point of owning your own business if you can't live your dream life?

I've been named a top wedding planner by Southern Living magazine, and have my wedding and floral work featured in PEOPLE magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings, Brides, Once Wed, and more.

And my signature straight-shooting business insights have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.

Join me on this journey and get my best tips and tricks by tuning into the blog each week, and follow me on social media with the links below.

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AUG 8, 2019

Entrepreneurs Looking for More

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